Friday 15 March 2013

Restoring Balance & Energy

I naïvely anticipated a quick fix to the anaemia. I was wiped out the day following the four hour walk and I was up and down for the rest of the week. Fortunately things picked up for my trip South with Maisie and although the travelling was tiring I was not feeling that awful fatigue which drags you down, that makes every step and every breath a chore. True to say that it did cross my mind that I could be “ill”, that the cancer could be back,  during these bouts of fatigue that hit me. I’ve never been anaemic and didn’t realise how debilitating it can be.

I’ve been packing my diet with iron rich foods, including an uplifting and refreshing watercress, pear and fresh ginger soup! Two weeks on and the iron tablets seem to be taking effect now and I am waking much brighter and with a lot more energy than of recent weeks.

I am still trying to balance my activities with rest and exercise and to not cram too much into my diary. Maybe a skill we could all do to learn?

The 18th birthday weekend was busy but with time for relaxation as well. Leisurely cocktails at The Savoy, breakfast in bed and coffee breaks from the Oxford Street shopping! A very special time for me and my little girl! Doubly so as it was just the two of us and it was Mother’s Day!  I remember back to my initial diagnosis and the immediate fear that, having celebrated Alice’s 18th the previous year, that I may not see Maisie’s 18th birthday. It was a very real fear but of course as time went on, I realised that even with a worst case scenario there are great things that can be done for breast cancer patients. I was lucky. By the end of August I knew my cancer had not spread and I would not need chemo. It’s six months since my surgery and the scars, both mental and physical are healing well.

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