Wednesday 20 March 2013

Macmillan Support

I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had planned a swim and a sauna, but all day, I didn’t manage to drag myself off the sofa and I never found enough energy to get showered or dressed. Sunday, I suffered probably the worst fatigue that I have experienced. I felt incredibly unwell and slept or at least lay with my eyes closed almost all day. It was day four after another bout of menstrual flooding. The usual pattern of recent months, heavy bleeding then a dip in energy levels around day four which generally lasts 3-4 days. After that I seem to bounce back quite quickly.

I felt so ill on Sunday. I wept at one point, not evenfinding the energy to cry properly. I no longer wanted to take all the drugs (Tamoxifen, Mefenamic, Ferrous Fumerate) I didn’t want this awful fatigue, I wished the cancer had never happened and I just wanted to feel “normal”. My head was fuzzy, my body like lead and my lungs breathless. Monday was brighter, although still tired, Tuesday I managed a good walk and today I was just about back to my old self.

If this is how it’s going to be each month then I have to plan my diary and ensure I have four or five days aside with nothing on in case the fatigue hits. My concerns were as to whether this cycle is “normal”. Fatigue affects 25% of women on Tamoxifen but the bleeding is much less common and indeed the opposite is more likely with periods becoming lighter and possibly stopping altogether. My GP didn’t seem concerned although the patient leaflet with the Tamoxifen states any changes in menstrual bleeding should be reported to the GP immediately!

Today I phoned to speak to the on line Macmillan nurse to clarify things and seek some reassurance! Well she clarified things and was very informative and understanding. The heavy periods were not normal with Tamoxifen and I shouldn’t have to live with this pattern of fatigue. She referred me straight back to my own breast cancer nurse at hospital and said I should try to see the consultant. I left a message for my cancer nurse at hospital and she called back this evening. She is planning to get me in to see my consultant. Watch this space!...

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